Number 1
In November 1995 published the first issue of The Eye of History , featuring two dossiers which have revealed their identity ( About cinema history relationship and the story on screen ) and that would be present in other numbers.
Number 2
Number 2 was released in June 1996, with a special dossier on 60 years of the Spanish Civil War: The Spanish Civil War in perspective: sixty years later.
Number 3
with a special dossier on Straws ( Straws Views: 100 years ), the number 3 is December 1996. Highlight the number was the Text Editor Jorge Novoa, The era of corruption: PC Farias is not dead! ! , Which still remains current.
Number 4
Number 4, released in July 1997, included a dossier entitled Work and revolutions in modern times and other Rethinking the humanities .
Number 5
Released in September 1998, the number 5 were published two texts that despite more than ten years have passed, yet make us reflect on the present: The globalization of capital and the neoliberal financial accumulation: Break elements , François Chesnais and the crisis of culture , the late Pierre Fougeyrollas.
Number 6
After six years, The History of Eye risen like a phoenix! Number six was published in July 2004, already in the online format. All articles revolved around the fundamental object-problematic of Revista, the relation between cinema and history.
Number 7
Maintaining its periodicity, the number 7 was published in April 2005, with an exclusive dossier on International History III Congress Debate and another on Costa Gavras.
Number 8
The number eight, released in January 2006, had four dossiers: History in Debate, Education and Technology, Arts and Social Sciences and Reviews Movies and Books.
Number 9
Launched in 2006, the number 9, number 2 as its predecessor, also had an unpublished dossier on the Spanish Civil War.
Number 10
Number 10 brought a dossier on the First International Congress of Cinema and History , which took place in Madrid in September 2008, under the coordination of Gloria Camarero, Beatriz de las Heras and Vanessa Cruz.
Number 11
In December 2008 it launched the number 11, in memoriam Pierre Fougeyrollas with articles originally presented in Minissimpósio Cinema history as a laboratory of poetic reason , coordinated by Profs. Dr. Marcos Silva and Jorge Novoa, during. IV National Symposium of Cultural History: Sensitivities and Sociability (from 13 to 17 October 2008 in Goiânia).
Number 12
Launched in July 2009, the number 12 was called urgent World under the sign of the crisis , bringing a special dossier analyzing the situation of crises capitalitas societies.
Number 13
In December 2009 it launched the number 13 in memoriam to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War (1939-2009), with images and unpublished articles.
If you want to get a printed copy of the magazine The History of Eye write to the publisher Soleni Biscouto Fressato (
The numbers 3, 4 and 5 cost R $ 15,00 plus shipping, which runs from R $ 2.00 to R $ 5.00 (depending on the locality), per copy.
The numbers 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 are exhausted and we have no forecast for a new run.
The numbers 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are available only in the online version.