Standards for publication
The Story of the Eye is open to articles call until March 30, 2009 to form the n. 12 of the Journal, to be published (online format) in June 2009.
The texts can follow the classification: research articles; Social, political and economic analyzes and diagnoses; Communications; case study; Movie reviews; Scripts and fragments of screenplays of films and documentaries; Book reviews and periodicals (published since 2007).
Articles should be submitted in the following format:
– summary in Portuguese and English or French with a maximum of 10 lines and keywords (key-words or mont-clés),
– a maximum of 20 pages, including bibliography,
– lines space 1 , 5cm
– source: Times New Roman, size 12,
– mini-curriculum (s) author (s) in a footnote with asterisk
– only use footnotes for explanatory texts. References should be incorporated in the text, the author system / data (Example:. BENJAMIN, 1994, p 30),
– references, and filmográficas webgráficas following the ABNT.
If there are images, send in a separate file of the text using an image editor. References must follow ABNT standards.
All texts submitted will be submitted to the Editorial Committee, which will decide whether or not to publish them, in the form of a “blind opinion”, that is, without knowing the authorship of the texts. In some cases adaptations will be requested, indicated in personal correspondence.