Número 11
The third volume of the collection “Education, Culture and Cinema,” Cultural diversity goes to the movies (Authentic, 2006) organized by Inês Assumption of Castro Teixeira and José de Sousa Miguel Lopes brings out the multiculturalism of the discussion from the film lenses . The book is divided into five parts, the latter presenting the technical file of the 14 films analyzed throughout the book. The authors propose to increase the dialogue between education and cinema, identifying in cinematography a rich space to debate the question of otherness from different perspectives
The book Cineclubismo: memories of the years of lead (Luminaire Academy, 2008), Rose Clair, is the result of his doctoral thesis defended in 2007 in the Graduate Program in Education at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rose Clair takes a look at the cineeclubism in the 1970s of the military dictatorship, based on the memoirs of the movement’s participants. The author intends to analyze how the film experience provided collective actions that questioned the power of repression of the military dictatorship and how the participation of that generation of young people in the film movement influenced the formation and construction of the life project of each one of them. Using Walter Benjamim’s concepts of experience, memory and narrative as his theoretical basis, his reflections are interwoven with the testimonies collected, images of the time and pieces of music that portrayed the historical moment in question