Previous numbers Number 12
Number 1 In November 1995 published the first issue of The Eye of History , featuring two dossiers which have revealed their identity ( On the relationship cinema history and the story on screen )
Number 1 In November 1995 published the first issue of The Eye of History , featuring two dossiers which have revealed their identity ( On the relationship cinema history and the story on screen )
The Story of the Eye is open to articles call until March 30, 2009 to form the n. 12 of the Journal, to be published (online format) in June 2009. The texts can follow the
España y el rescate financial. Spain at war. Sunday Marrero The student strike in Quebec. A spring arce red frames Louis Gill ( French version ) The coup in Paraguay José Arbex Junior Peruvian people
Is it possible to tell the Contemporary History of Spain through fiction films? Historian Tómas Valero, in his book History of España Contemporánea Vista por el Cine supports this possibility. He divides the history of
Number 1 In November 1995 published the first issue of The Eye of History , featuring two dossiers which have revealed their identity ( About cinema history relationship and the story on screen ) and
Committed to the study and research of cinema history relationship, students and researchers at the Workshop Cinema History , have been discussing the potential and limits of the use of film for teaching and learning